
Wheat: A Vital Food Source for the Livestock and Poultry Industry

Wheat, one of the most important raw materials globally, is extensively used in human and livestock feed due to its high nutritional and economic value. Along with corn and rice, wheat is one of the three most produced grains worldwide, playing a crucial role in providing feed for poultry.

Nutritional Properties of Wheat

Wheat is a significant source of energy for poultry, offering essential nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These components are vital for the growth and reproduction of poultry, making wheat a primary ingredient in chicken feed.

Use of Wheat in Poultry Feed

Wheat is an affordable and readily available nutrient produced in large quantities. It is used in various types of chicken feed, including broiler chicken feed, and broiler concentrates, and as an additive to enhance growth and production performance in poultry.

Selection Criteria for Quality Wheat

When purchasing high-quality wheat, consider the following factors:

  • Planting Type: Dry or wet
  • Appearance Characteristics: Color and size of seeds
  • Quality: Absence of pests, mold, straw, and soil

First-grade wheat’s nutritional value varies depending on its type (spring or winter, red or white, hard or soft). The hardness or softness of wheat affects its compounds, especially protein. Durum wheat typically has higher protein and starch content.

Investigation of Suitable Wheat for Poultry Feed

The weight of wheat grains is a critical factor. Second-grade wheat should have a maximum of 5% broken grains and foreign matter, while wheat for poultry feed can have up to 20%. Additionally, damaged, frozen, or sprouted wheat should be checked as these factors significantly impact the nutritional value of wheat.

Advantages of Using Wheat in Poultry Farming

Using wheat in poultry feed can enhance performance, growth, and health. As an ideal food source, wheat contains minimal harmful substances and helps strengthen the poultry’s immune system.

Wheat in Poultry Feed

Wheat serves as a source of energy and protein in poultry diets. Its digestible carbohydrates and quality protein contribute to improved growth and production. Wheat is commonly used in pellet feed, mash, concentrate, and supplementary feed compounds.

How to Use Wheat in Poultry Feed

Quality wheat should comprise about 25% of the poultry diet to ensure proper pelleting. Wheat has a cooling nature, making it particularly beneficial in hot seasons.


Wheat, as an inexpensive and accessible food source, is crucial in the poultry industry. It enhances egg production, growth, and weight gain. To address potential issues, it’s essential to use vitamin and mineral supplements.

Kaladasht Company, a member of the Iran Grain Association and one of the main importers of feed grains, offers refined wheat of the highest quality at the best prices.

For more information, contact us.